Both parties must appear in person at the Recorders office with photo identification.
You may apply Monday thru Friday 8:00 am - 4:pm. The fee is $60.00 this includes the $9.00 charge for the certified copy. This fee is to be paid at the time of the application. Cash, credit or debit. No checks please.
It is a misdemeanor for anyone to perform a marriage ceremony if the license is not presented prior to the ceremony (541.120 RSMO). The Marriage is invalid if the ceremony takes place before the license has been issued.
You are responsible for delivering the license to the person who solemnizes your marriage. The person performing the ceremony must complete the sealed portion of the Marriage license and have 2 witnesses sign it. It is the responsibility of the person that performs the marriage to return the license to our office 15 days after the wedding.
A minor must bring a Birth Certificate (legal, certified) and Parent must sign and bring Photo ID.