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Our office takes passport applications Monday - Friday 8:00am - 3:00 pm.  


Applications can be filled out online @  Our office has the application and you can come to our office and fill it out as well.  


National Passport Information Center phone number (877)487-2778 for questions concerning passports. 


You must have the following: Photo Id, passport picture, and a Birth Certificate that is certified from the state.   Any keepsake or a non certified Birth certificate copy will not be allowed.  Fees are $130.00 for Adults and $100.00 for minors.  Personal checks are accepted along with a separate execution fee of $35.00 per application to the Miller County Recorder. (2 separate checks)


Passport pictures can be purchased from Wal-Mart Supercenter, Walgreens or Hy-Vee store.


Mo Certified Birth Certificates can be purchased at the County Health Department.  


Please call the office for other questions or visit the website above. 


©Miller County Courthouse 2018

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