Welcome to Miller County Missouri. As the elected Miller County Assessor, I am charged with several administrative and statutory duties; however, my primary duty and responsibility is to appraise and assess all real property and personal property within Miller County, except as otherwise provided by law. This would include residential, commercial, and agricultural classes of real estate property and all personal property.
In addition, I am charged with the maintenance of current ownership parcel maps of the county. As of January 1, 2017, there were 21,572 real estate parcels. For Personal Property/Business Accounts a total of 14,198 accounts which includes a total of 47,989 items.
As the County Assessor I want to provide all property owners in Miller County the information they need to better understand the assessment process as well as their rights and responsibilities. The Assessor closes the Assessment books typically by May 15 th of each year. The assessment roles are then turned over to the County Clerk who then distributes the assessment information to the various taxing districts within the county.
Taxing jurisdictions such as schools, fire districts, road districts, library, etc., adopt budgets after public meetings, based on the assessment values for their district. Taxing districts typically set their budgets and levies by the end of September each year. The County Assessor is not part of the taxing district’s budget or levy process, the Assessor’s job was completed with the reassessment process. The levies that are set determine your taxes for the year. Taxes are based on assessed value per $100.00 of value. I encourage
you to attend the meetings of the various taxing districts and show your support or voice your concerns. The taxes you pay are proportionate to the value of your property compared to the total value of the value taxing district in which your property is located.
While taxes are not in the realm of the County Assessor, I would like to inform you that Real Estate and Personal Property Tax bills are typically mailed the first week of November of each year by the Miller County Collector. If you do not receive a tax bill by the end of November you should contact the Miller County Collector’s office and have a duplicate bill mailed to you. If you have questions regarding the payment of taxes, please contact the Miller County Collector’s office, 573-369- 1925. Even if you do not receive a tax bill, it is your responsibility to pay the taxes that are due by December 31. If you move or change mailing addresses during the year, please contact our office.
As the elected County Assessor I am committed to do all I can to make the assessment process as fair and equitable for everyone. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me or my staff, 573-369-1960 or come by the office.